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Stitch & Glue Construction Videos



New Hatch Cutting Video!

We have a kayak construction video series created for the Arctic Tern 14, which is available on our YouTube channel. The steps for building the Arctic Tern 14 are very similar to building all of our other boat kits.
To the left is our latest edition,
"How to Cut Hatches."
To see all of the construction videos either click on the red link directly below or select from the
numbered list below that.

Happy building! Arctic Tern 14 construction video sequence




Step-by-Step Construction Videos

Click the title below to watch the video. A new window will open up with the video shown in YouTube:


1. Introduction

2. Preface

3. Align and Glue Panels

4. Reinforce Bow Deck Panels

5. Drill Holes

6. Measure and Mark Keel Seam

7. Wire Keel Seam

8. Tighten and Align Center Butt Seams

9. Insert Main Bow and Stern Temporary Frames

10. Drill and Wire on the Side Panels

11. Tighten All the Wires

12. Insert the Bow and Stern End Frames

13. Hot Melt Glue Temp Frames

14. Glue Inside Keel Seam

15. Align and Glue Outside Seams



16. Remove the Fasteners

17. Round Seams

18. Glass the Outside of the Hull

19. Laminate Keel Tape and Fill Coats

20. Join the Aft End of the Bow Deck Panels

21. Wire Deck Seams

22. Wire the Stern Deck

23. Wire Deck Recess Plate

24. Position and Tape the Deck

25. Glue Deck Seams

26. Glass Tape Under Side of the Deck Seams

27. Fillet Stems and Saturate Inside of the Hull

28. Glass Inside of Hull

29. Glue Deck On

30. Glass Deck

31. Cockpit Coaming

32. Install Seat

33. Mount Foot Pedals

34. Cutting Hatches








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